Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Ayn Rand Center- Atlas Shrugged- America's Second Declaration

I just finished this video.
Watch it.
or try the copy and paste method

The Third Option

For as long as I can remember, as far back as any memory of mine goes, I have always heard the words of damnation of selfishness (as defined by those who damn it), and the praise for the virtuosness of self-sacrifice. These two words, selfishness (as defined by those who damn it) and self-sacrifice, are the "definitions" of the words, Take and Give.
Take and Give are mainly religious terms; started by men of religion, used mostly by those of religion, and given "definition to" by those of religion.
Take is defined by a man of their idea of selfishness. They see it as immorality. To them, selfishness is taking. Taking is just that. Taking. I will never dispute that taking is taking. Taking is taking something from someone or something, anything at all. I often times hear myself referred to as someone who takes and takes and takes, as well as hearing it from friends and parents and anyone who attends church. All through my childhood, I heard my parents say, "All that child does is take and take and take, and never ever gives anything in return". Yes, I do have a problem with actually taking from someone. Taking, as it should be defined, is similar to stealing. It is placing in your possession something that is not yours, and most likely, soemthing that was someone else'. It is taking wihout that persons consent.
Then there is giving. Giving to them is what is noble, virtuous, and morally sound. To give to someone is also known as charity. I wont argue against you if you feel the need to give to someone else, be charitable all you wont and I will only ever directly dispute charity with you if you decide to try to force me to be charitable (hmmm... kinda like government and taxes...) or try to argue it with me. Giving and charity are two things that most people probably understabd by now. They are offering something of yours to something or someone else without getting something in return.
There are even things that are known as "give and take relationships". No. The relationship referred to as a "give and take relationship" are actually what is my third option, the option that is the actual form of selfishness as defined by rationality, not superstition.
The Third Option
This is the third option. It is not give, nor is it take. In fact, it is the opposite of both of those. it is, MAKE.
Yes indeed, there is a third option known as make. You cannot form a successful company off of constantly taking from other people or other companies. IT may last for awhile, possibly even your entire lifetime. But eventually, the company will run out of things to take from. You cannot form a company off of giving. Hell, you can't even START a company PERIOD off of giving. That is a charity organization or a non-profit organization. To own a successful company, you must be able to make, produce, create a product that is needed, a product that you sell for a price. You are not taking peoples money when they buy this product nor are they giving it to you. This is equivalent exchange. A beautiful way to organize a business which, when combined with the principle of MAKE, is the ingredients for a beautiful company.
At your job, you do not take money (unless your job is a burglar, in which case, that ends any possibility of an argument from that), nor do you give money for a job (that is called charity and you are most likely a volunteer). You make money at a job based off the rule of equivalent exchange. You provide the company/business that you work for with a service that they require. They then pay you money. They made money by paying you to do a job. If you are a janitor, then they made money because now they have clean bathrooms, which means more chances of customers because they feel that this environment is clean and somewhere they want to be. If you are an engineer, well, you made a product for a company which they then sell and make money from.
MAKE and EQUIVALENT EXCHANGE are what actually makes selfishness. You are making for your own benefit, or for the benefit of whatever makes you happy, which is ultimately, your own benefit. Take is theft. Give is charity.
MAKE and EQUIVALENT EXCHANGE are moral selfishness.

Government Health... care... reform?

For the past few months or so, there has been an increase in Pres. Obama's plan to reform health care. I have a relatively short blog about this because it is such a simply issue that its kind of sad that this health care reform is in the news at all.
First off, health care and government should never be in the same sentence unless the words "shouldn't be touched by" is placed between the two. Government has one and only one actual job that it is needed for. That is protection. To protect you from any form of a threat to individual independence and freedom.
Now, why health care is so terrible. We live in a society based off of income and outcome. You make and income at work and have an outcome from spending money on things you either want or buy. This is no different for ANYONE that WORKS. This is only ever different for welfare people or people who are supported by me (by force imposed by the government). Doctors are no exception to this rule. In fact, their income is much larger, because the demand of doctors will never run out (unless someone can figure out how to create an "invincible gene"). Doctors will always be needed as long as people are around, because people get hurt, people get sick, its just what happens and semi-unavoidable. Yes, you can do things to decrease your chances of either, but most of those of drugs that are prescribed by doctors.
So doctors are in great demand, always have been, 99% of a chance that it always will be. Why the hell would you want to work really hard, everyday, cutting people open, stitching people up, replacing organs, fixing broken bones, prescribing helpful medicine, etc etc etc! Doctors do so much for man. However, doctors do not do this stuff for free. Have you ever seen where doctors live or what doctors drive? Its amongst the best of the best. Its because doctors provide man with services that few others can. It takes a special amount of practiced skill to be a doctor. Have you ever tried stomaching the sight of blood or brains or organs?
The purpose of the health care reform is to decrease the amount of money it costs to get health care, for everyone. This is a terrible idea. Why would a doctor want to work for any less than what they make?
You get what you pay for. If you pay less for your health care because the government is forcing you to, then you are going to get crappier service. Its inevitable. There will be less doctors and more inexperienced ones. Entire hospitals may eventually shutdown because of lack of adequate income.
Talk to your state congressman, senator, representative, governor, anyone who has a direct say in this bill.
Do not let health care be reformed by the government. It is not their place to do so.

Avid "pay-for-what-you-get"er,
Chandler Swank

Monday, May 4, 2009

Why Our Government Is Failing

This post was originally going to be called, "Capitalism- Why Working Hard IS GOOD". I hope that none of you (if there are any people who read this...) are too disappointed with the change to the premature name. While my plan was originally to have the title be just that, some recent thinking and decision making has brought me to this name change. Which is another way for saying: I wanted to change the name because this helps to explain why capitalism is awesome and why our government is sucking. I figured that the two could easily be dealt with in the same posting. This will like involve many other subjects, starting with the role of religion in making our country less capitalistic. This will likely be my longest posting yet. I have a lot to say.
I recently (being yesterday) watched the movie, Religulous. One of the best shows I have ever seen. I say this not because I want to dispute others beliefs, but because Bill Maher makes brilliant statements that involve facts behind them. One of these are: That our country was founded not on religion, but for the escape and freedom from religion, as well as the right to the freedom to have your own religion if you so choose. Our founding fathers were brilliant men! They were amongst the few sparks of intelligent individualists throughout time. Fortunately, there were enough of them in the same area with similar ideas, which is how America came to be.
With our founding fathers largely being of different religious views (but could all agree that the conversation can stop at "I believe this, you believe that"") why is it, that our country has come to be known as a Christian country? It makes absolutely no sense. Everyone cries out that we need to fight to protect our freedom, fight to uphold the rights that are represented in the Constitution. But the vast majority of these people are hypocrits. They all cry about these issues, when they in turn shun those who choose to exercise these rights. I am an atheist. And proud of it too. I will get more into my own religious views later on in my blogging career. And for now, I am not trying to slander religion, I just asking, why is it that everyone believes that it is un-American to be non-religious? Why is being religious suppose to make you a moral person in this, the country where men are suppose to be free!, yet are chastised for being free.
Religion- just about every single one- preaches that self-sacrifice as well as charity are vituous and noble. We few who have the ability to think rationally are largely outnumbered by these "nobelmen", and because of the fear that we have allowed them to put into our minds, that being logical and self-sufficient is an immoral and corrupt basis of life. And because this fear has been allowed into our minds, we have stood by and allowed them to infiltrate our government, the thing that is suppose to be protecting our rights to NOT be afraid! I dont know the exact numbers, but just about every member of the senate as well as the house, pride themselves on being religious. Why is it that being religious is such a big thing to be proud of? Is it really impossible to be moral and virtuous without the words of some all-powerful Jew telling you how to be moral and virtuous? Every leader that we have had (I will admit, I do not know about the first 10 presidents) have been religious men. Obama especially. People FREAKED out during the election when he left his church and was "church-less" for a time being. There was such a frenzy behind him finding a new church that people forgot to look around and ask questions relating to what he will ACTUALLY DO for our country. Instead, in the frenzy, he filled us with HOPE for plans that will CHANGE our current "crisis".
Because of everyone freaking out and being all frenzied up and what not on what religion Obama was going to choose, he was able to easily avoid directly answering any question that should have been posed on what he was going to do. He never gave a straight answer in any of his talks or debates.
While everyone was then done being frenzied and now being hyped up on HOPE that things will CHANGE, he was able to begin his plans to continue building upon the smaller amounts of socialism within our capitalistic country. These small bits of socialism are the branches from the root of evil within our government, and ultimately, society. And of course, roots can NOT exist unless there are branches with leaves to collect the water. In this scenario, we are the water. We are the ones who continue to give them their supply for life.
I dont know for sure about you, but I am one of those rain droplets that refuses to fall from the sky. I refuse to lose my view, my spot in the clouds, to feed those who would mooch off of me. I refuse to allow all of my hardwork of absorbing heat, changing states of matter entirely(!), and then climbing my way to join the groups of other hard working individual droplets, to become the benefit to others.
Take my rain analogy into the sense of actual life (haha, got carried away, analogies are fun). I want to create an enterprise. A corporation. It wont be easy, especially because of all the stuff I have just talked about. But also because I will be the new kid on the block. I wont try and short myself by making it all sound breezy, it is going to be harder than any sort of hell mormons can think of for me. I am going to be working my ass off day and night, to build an industrial empire. An empire that will produce and create innovative products that people will want to buy. Choose to buy. My ultimate goal is to work hard and earn shloads upon shloads of mountains of money. And when I do, I will refuse to give that money to the unwilling, and the undeserving. I will refuse to share MY wealth with those who refuse to work for theirs. My empire will be huge. An empire does need workers. And I will pay my workers because doing otherwise would be cheating people who are earnest workers. But I will never, ever, donate a single penny to anyone who has not deserved it, nor to anyone who begs it of me. Much more, I will refuse to pay taxes for things I do not personally need.
Taxes for schooling. Hell's yes! I love to see smart people and people who learn. But not if they teach, and preach at times, the kinds of things I have and do hear at school.
Roads? Duh, of course. I use roads every single day and they are a damn sweet invention (thank you Roman men of genius).
To stop myself from going on for too long on a semi-different subject, I will poast another blog relating to "Taxes".
Ultimately, what it is that I am trying to say is that the government has the potential to be amazing. And I believe that our country is the only current country that does have this ability to be amazing. Possibly Japan as well. But it will only be great if we stop these insertions of socialistic ideals into what SHOULD be PURE CAPITALISM. Pure capitalism would promote no hobos- meaning, that you wont recieve money just because you have had a "tough life". It would promote businessmen- meaning, that you need to work your own ass off to keep your own ass off the streets. I have officially begun my personal campaign against religion, socialism, communism- and anything else that is illogical, irrational, and against capitalism in any way- within our government. I want to be free. I want to make an enterprise in a world where I wont have to even consider having it taken away from me by the means of the point of a gun. Will you begin your own campaign? Do you want you, and your children to live in a world where they are free to be religious, or not, without ridicule?
This world, even the one with religion, is only possible if you begin judging man by his personal philosophies. Not by letting his religion tell you what his philosophy is. But by letting his actions speak for him, speak and describe what his personal philosophy is.
Judge man by philosophy; not religion.
Avid Capitalist,
Avid Philospher,
Avid Free Human Being,
Chandler Swank

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Communism- And Why it Sucks

I am a hard working student. I enjoy doing work and doing things that are reqarding and have long-term as well as short term benefits for myself. Going to school is definitely one of these things. While it may have less short term benefits, it definitely has plenty of long term benefits. I haven't always had this approach to education... or working for that matter. I will admit, that I was once, quite sadly, pretty damn good for communism.
In communism, the government owns absolutely everything. Anything from your business to your paycheck, and on occassion, to what you are allowed to believe. Essentially, they own your life. This type of government is absolutely AWFUL for anyone who works their ass off. If you enjoy working as well as keeping everything that you earn from working your ass off, then heed my warning: DO NOT BECOME A COMMUNIST.
However, if you are the type of person that enjoys being an oaf and simply lying around or looking up different exoctic porn sites while at work, then, by all means, become a communist. You will earn just as much money for a hundredth (spelling?) the work that your boss does! Sounds pretty awesome doesnt it? Isn't that what is being preached? Isn't that what you are being told "OUR" generation is all about? Getting as much as possible for as little of work as possible?
NO! Our generation is called the "WHY" generation. I do not have a problem with that until it is interpreted in communist like ways. What I take from that is; Why? What is in it for me? How am I going to benefit from doing something like this? What will I earn from doing this amount of work? This is the beauty of CAPITALISM! (which I will explain in a different posting)
When your inferior is earning just as much money as you but doing a half-ass job that requires half the effort as what you do, you feel pretty unmotivated, wouldn't you? I recently completed a school project in which we needed a partner. We had to create a presentation. Being the genius of a man that I am, I decided to be the coordinator of the project. I split up the assignments that we were given between my partner and I. Also being the genius that I am, I dont like trusting other people to assemble that which I have coordinated and had them made. It's a personal thing. And I am not going to make my partner lose points for something such as that. However, when my partner does not even a single word of her work that she was suppose to do, and causes me to stay up until 4:50 AM! the night before it was due, then I have a problem. Only aafter something like that does my partner not deserve to recieve her points!! Whats worse, she still demanded to put her name on it! You think this is all bad... it only gets worse.
This is where the point of me writing about how shitty communism is comes in.
While I easily had the right to tell my partner "NO!" and not put her name on the project, as I did, she also has the right to act as she believes she should. She also has the right to be a complete dumb ass. She went to our teacher and explained the story in the way that is saying something without actually saying it. Implying something, but not giving full proof or reason for it having actually had happened. My teacher pulled me up and listened to both our sides. A very just this of her to do. But it all counts for naught when she decides to impliment her communist ideas. She said, "It wasn't her fault that she couldn't get her work done. Unforseen events prevented her from completing her assignments."
The end result of this entire ordeal was that we both got all our points. Except for me. She TOOK- forcefully took!!!!- 5 of my points and gave them to my partner, saying, "She is failing this class, and NEEDS(!!!!!!) them more than you do."
If you are reading this and believe, without a doubt, communism would make America's economic crisis go away, leave now. Unless you want to hear continual reasons for why your beliefs are BS.
Until my next posting which will be titled-
"Capitalism- Why Working Hard IS GOOD"
Avid Capitalist-
Chandler Swank


So this is my first official blog. kind of intimidating, yet fun at the same time.
I will admit... I am not the best at english or language arts of just about any kind. I am a very literate person however which would seem to be a contradiction. However, as I will be explaining throughout my time here, contradictions do not exist. Allow me to explain why this is very simply, not a contradiction:
While I may be an incredibly literate person, as in, I have the ability to read and use words in the proper context, my ability to create a "proper" sentence using the correct placements of subjects and compounds and loads of other stuff I do not, nor care, to understand.
Back onto why I was saying that I am not the best at language arts. I say this because I am indeed writing a blog. And you should know, that if I mess up on any spellings or placement of words in the right order, that it will not be necessary for you to comment on something like that (I wonder how many will comment about me saying its unnecessary to comment). This is a blog with a purpose. And an overall subject. If you want to comment about something, comment about the subject. I am pretty sure anyone reading this will be smart enough to understand just what it is that is meant when I spell "the" as "teh", as I do so often.
So, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Chandler Colby Swank... well. That is just about all I am going to let out for right now. While this blog is ultimately a very objective one, meant to be read by people who either are objective or wanting to become more objective, there is usually going to remain a very subjective side to ourselves. This can easily be decreased, but I have yet to meet someone that is like a Romulan (an alien humanoid from Star Trek that keeps in its emotions and becomes entirely objective to avoid doing serious damage to the minds of others around them). The reason why I withhold the remaining info about me and my life is because of those subjective people who may discredit this blog because of age, gender, religion or possibly lack there of, hair/eye color, race, species. Who honestly knows and why should I honestly care.
There are hundreds of questions that are possible to pose right now and they are mostly good questions and all logical questions. I will be addressing these questions throughout my blogging time. My goal is to make the world a less lonely place for achieving individuals who hold logic, reason, and being objective as a 3 of their highest values.
I will be posting once a week... but that may vary due to different activities which include working my ass off in school.
Until next (time)/(week),